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To the entire USL community, we know commitments like these are just the initial steps. We also know that the hard work is still to come and there remains immense room for improvement. With that said, it is our hope that United Against Racism will help lay the foundation for a period of growth, action, and meaningful change across the USL ecosystem. Every year, we intend to learn, improve and get better. On behalf of everyone at USL HQ, we thank you for your time, energy, belief and support.



REALIZE and ACKNOWLEDGE that there is a lack of BlPOC representation within strategic decision making positions. Make a commitment to change.
PROVIDE training and education for all USL players, USL HQ employees, USL club ownership, front office staff, and technical staff.
PARTNER and CONSULT with other like minded organizations to continue to enhance visibility, as well as furthering educational opportunities and resources for our League, Clubs and players.
IDENTIFY opportunities to promote, impact and celebrate local BIPOC-owned businesses.
SERVE as a platform to help educate our community about all forms of racism and anti-racist behaviors.
PROVIDE and ENCOURAGE opportunities for players to speak out against societal injustices.
INVEST time, energy, and other resources into our communities with an emphasis on benefiting BIPOC communities.
IDENTIFY opportunities to bring the Black community closer to the sport of soccer and highlight the intersection of soccer and Black culture.


January 17th: Martin Luther King Junior Day

Martin Luther King Junior Day honors the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King who fought for justice and equality along with Black individuals during the civil rights movement. This day is used to celebrate and honor Martin Luther King while simultaneously teaching younger generations about his impact and the importance of equality and justice for all. As a day of service, his followers choose to use this day to serve those in their community in hospitals, prisons, schools, and shelters.

February 1st: Black History Month

Black History Month is celebrated across seven different countries to bring awareness to the history and oftentimes neglected accomplishments of Black Individuals. This month-long celebration gives many opportunities to share knowledge and better understand the impact that Black individuals have made and continue to make on present-day society. Additionally, it allows people to understand Black heritage, culture, and customs which are oftentimes overlooked. The month celebrates Black authors, writers, artists, historians, actors, etc. going beyond the stories of racism and slavery and instead putting Black achievements into the spotlight.

March 21st: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Celebrated on the day that police in South Africa open fired and killed 69 people at a peaceful protest of Apartheid laws, the International Day of for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is held to bring awareness on the discrimination people of color face daily. This day was proclaimed in South Africa in 1966 which signifies the struggles of police apartheid and brutality but has expanded as it is a struggle people face internationally. The aim of this day is to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination through education and the rejection of stereotypes.

May: Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month is an entire month dedicated to bringing awareness to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who have played a major part in shaping American society as it is known today. Throughout the month, stories, accomplishments, books, inventions, policies, etc. of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are shared to highlight their extraordinary accomplishments that oftentimes go unnoticed in History textbooks. The Month of May was chosen as a way to commemorate the first Japanese Immigration to the United States on May 7th, 1843, and to mark the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10th, 1869, as most of the workers who laid tracks were Chinese Immigrants.

June 19th: Juneteenth

Also known as the Second Independence Day, Juneteenth is the celebration of the emancipation of Slavery in the United States. Along with this, it is a day to celebrate African American Culture and accomplishments. Juneteenth was formally recognized on a holiday on June 17th, 2021 by United States President Joe Biden, but people have been celebrating since 1865 where the observance originated in Galveston, Texas.

August 6th: Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965

After the Civil War ended, on paper it said that all men were equal and everyone was to be treated the same. This, however, was very far from reality, seen especially when it came to voting, as there were many strategies put into place to prevent minority communities from voting in elections. Some of these methods included having to complete a literacy test and having Ku Klux Klan members haunt the polls scaring people away from voting. The Voting Rights Act of 1965, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, prohibited discriminatory voting practices in the United States which allowed for minorities to vote across the country. This was a huge step for equality for minorities, but especially the Black community, within the United States.

September 15th: Hispanic Heritage Month

Spanning from September 15th to October 15th, Hispanic Heritage month honors the contributions of American people who have roots in Central America, South America, Spain, and the Spanish-speaking nations of the Caribbean. This month-long celebration draws attention to the achievements and notable contributions of Hispanic Americans in literature, science, mathematics, policy, the arts, etc. while also celebrating Hispanic culture through the food, songs, dance, and customs. Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September to October as it marks the independence of a multitude of Latin American Countries like El Salvador and Honduras.

October 11th: Indigenous People’s Day

Coined in October of 2021, Indigenous People’s Day is the celebration of the valuable contributions of Indigenous people in the United States. Prior to the colonization of the Americas, Indigenous People’s were cultivating, caring, and contributing to the land that many of us today call home. Through colonization, Indigenous people were displaced and forced to assimilate, losing their culture and their home simultaneously. Indigenous People’s Day falls on what is also known as Columbus Day but serves as the antithesis by educating about the harm Columbus inflicted on indigenous people who were living in the Americas. This day is used to highlight the contributions that Indigenous peoples have made throughout History, honor America’s first inhabitants and recognize/educate about the many tribal nations that are still around today.


USL HQ Commitment

In February of 2021, USL HQ added the following goal to its list of key organizational objectives: Leverage the USL platform to drive social and community impact and increase representation of diverse populations throughout the USL ecosystem.

The USL will achieve this by prioritizing diverse representation, successfully launching the USL Impact Committee, sub-committees and IDEA Committee, launching league-wide social impact initiatives and increasing internal competencies. Lastly, the USL has committed to reaching an "A" grade for overall racial and gender hiring at USL HQ from The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES) by 2026.
ISSJ Training

In collaboration with the USLBPA, USL HQ’s Internal DE&I working group, the Impact Committee and the USL Players’ Association, USL HQ has partnered with the Institute for Sport and Social Justice to conduct comprehensive sensitivity and unconscious bias training for all USL HQ and club staff, players, and other full time employees.

The ISSJ has worked previously with MLB, NBA, NASCAR, NFL, MLS and ESPN among others and continues to be an industry leader in the training and education space surrounding areas of social impact.

USL HQ and the USLBPA will continue to partner and consult with other like-minded organizations in order to enhance awareness around important areas of social impact, as well as furthering educational opportunities and resources for our League, Clubs and players.

In particular, as it did prior to the 2020 election cycle, USL HQ and the USLBPA will continue to partner with organizations and advocate for increased participation and voter registration in all local, state and national elections.
Support BIPOC-Owned Businesses

In order to better support local BIPOC-owned businesses, USL will provide select media and social assets to local BIPOC-owned businesses as identified by USL Championship and League One clubs.
Jersey Integration

To better use the USL’s platform to help educate and raise awareness about racism and anti-racist behaviors, all USL Championship and League One clubs will have “United Against Racism” placed under the league patch on the left sleeve of every jersey throughout the season.
ESPN Integration

To better use the USL’s platform to help educate and raise awareness about racism and anti-racist behaviors, the USL and USLBPA will work together to integrate the United Against Racism Project into USL Championship and League One broadcasts throughout the 2021 season. This will occur through the following:
- 30-second custom halftime ad
- In-broadcast signage
- Talent, graphic and PA reads
- LED boards in-venue
Jersey Drop

In order to help invest time, energy, and other resources into our communities, the USL, USLBPA, PUMA, the Soccer Collective on Racial Equity (SCORE) and Beautiful Struggles – a fashion and lifestyle brand founded by former U.S. Men’s National Team player Danny Williams – came together to launch the United Against Racism jersey, with 100% of the ultra limited edition shirts' profits going to the USLBPA’s Young Investor Society Scholarship Fund.
HQ Story Telling

In order to better provide and encourage opportunities for players to speak out against societal injustices, USL HQ and the USLBPA will work together identify important storytelling initiatives to be published or amplified by USL HQ and Clubs.

In an effort to more closely connect the Black community with the sport of soccer and to help advance an already growing authentic Black supporters' culture, USL HQ and the USLBPA will partner with Black Arrow (FC). As part of an ongoing year-round commitment to telling stories at the intersection of soccer and Black culture, the 2021 partnership will include the following:
- Studio Shows
- Short Documentaries
- Monthly Digital Content Series
- Additional Initiatives to be Determined Later